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12 12 2000
Andrea Hapke: decoding problems (Translation from Russian)

Dear women,

I just wrote to Larissa and attached all documents. Here I send You the copy i.e. the translation of my letter from German (without the attachments), so you know that something is happening to avoid that Larissa is sitting there with 1000 of letters she cannot decode. Because this also is part of our theme. Please, everybody, excuse such difficulties.

>Dear Larissa,

>I am so sorry that you haven't received all letters, i.e. couldn't decode them, and therefore can't really follow our discussion.
>Now I send you all letters, of which I don't exactly know whether you've read them, as .rtf and .doc files. I hope that now everything will be fine.
>Best greetings to Frechen.

I also send this letter attached to Larissa.

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