
Die Reisenden

Die Reisenden

Unsere Reisebegleiterinnen

Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Donna Haraway
Irina Aristarkhova
Larissa Lissjutkina


Andrea Hapke (Berlin, D)
cultural scientist, russist; MA thesis about "russian cyberfeminist strategies between reality, virtuality and fiction", co-authoring with a.ja.korb
at the moment freelance-work at the east-west womens' network (OWEN), which is about to be "abgewickelt" - and looking out for new spaces of agency...  

Andrea Jana Korb (Berlin, D)
artiste, cultural scientist and web- and costumedesigner; m.a.thesis about "russian cyberfeminist strategies between reality, virtuality and fiction" together with andrea hapke.
[digital] work within the design-collective "pixelsterben", especially on circusTheater costumes and webdesign;
[performative] work on the circusTheater productions of "zt geschwindel" , and "zirka trollop"

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